Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 373 members
Yngwar has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Valnion has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Bladeveteran has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Icanhazsteak has joined McVitties (~9 years ago)
Tatarqiz has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Bunneeboiler has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Concecration has been promoted from rank 6 to rank 3 (~9 years ago)
Weepster has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Echomagic has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Beverage has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Likesir has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Ellathegreek has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Gwydion has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Alaathor has joined McVitties (~9 years ago)
Mysticblu has joined McVitties (~9 years ago)
Nékomata has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Keyran has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Pruxy has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Drugsaregood has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Erdgeist has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Sekaku has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Drenlock has left McVitties (~9 years ago)
Arkitan has left McVitties (~9 years ago)