Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 373 members
Smaokor has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Noxh has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Glossy has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Birakoth has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Nazgullord has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Poolsclosed has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Talanorr has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Talsbane has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Talanorri has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Sjamaryuh has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Rínda has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Maxorcie has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Apokari has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Koppite has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~6 years ago)
Wangchi has joined McVitties (~6 years ago)
Scärlet has joined McVitties (~6 years ago)
Dyana has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 1 (~6 years ago)
Shadowspy has joined McVitties (~6 years ago)
Vendellia has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Shíftor has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~6 years ago)
Imbored has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Supermouse has left McVitties (~6 years ago)
Arratay has left McVitties (~6 years ago)