Last updated 5 years ago.

Primal Rage

achievements 2045

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 958 members

Brohat obtained Ring of Minute Mirrors. 6 years ago
Brohat obtained Seal of Saltheril. 6 years ago
Tehvarp obtained Stabilized Energy Pendant. 6 years ago
Tehvarp obtained Greystone Chestpiece. 6 years ago
Demonlogic obtained Fel-Loaded Dice. 6 years ago
Capoeira earned the achievement Time Flies When You're Having Fun for 10 points. 6 years ago
Ilidanmcfly obtained Silent Seashell. 6 years ago
Schnupsi obtained Vest of the Void's Embrace. 6 years ago
Saticilef obtained Tribal Unification Cloak. 6 years ago

Guild Master