Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 1615

Level 25 Horde Guild, Twisting Nether. 315 members

Whatashòck obtained Discgraced Court Cloak. 6 years ago
Whatashòck obtained Brulstone Pendant. 6 years ago
Whatashòck obtained Brulstone Pendant. 6 years ago
Huaman obtained Vulcanarcore Pendant. 6 years ago
Huaman obtained Serpentstalker Drape. 6 years ago
Huaman obtained Svirax's Grim Trophy. 6 years ago
Nephelio obtained Riveted Choker of Delirium. 6 years ago
Defenze obtained Seeping Scourgewing. 6 years ago
Nephelio obtained Band of the Sargerite Smith. 6 years ago
Trasmatta obtained Dominant Gladiator's Ring. 6 years ago

Guild Master