Level 25 Horde Guild, Twisting Nether. 767 members
Denzetsu has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Effyn has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Drahkarian has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Mulghar has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Thunderclad has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Ruceq has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Synetra has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Shyrinna has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Hypka has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Shaytra has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Slimjimmy has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Benhas has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Dregtha has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Lzx has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Feldnas has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Ihuntyou has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Galiniax has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Sörzetesh has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Zotozhan has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Oticapsed has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Léondra has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Maruaders has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Okurwalol has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Slaggprodukt has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Vinnië has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)