Level 25 Horde Guild, Twisting Nether. 767 members
Snowtekh has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Jadeitae has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Irethin has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Azgador has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Këlle has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Deadbovine has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Boamfa has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Flôw has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Aigner has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Dupac has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Deadcattle has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Tm has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Kokona has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Roronora has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Gadi has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Laats has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Orkivar has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Dropsing has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Swiftrogue has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Bloodbeats has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Lokpii has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Sqolioz has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Golvor has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Hazjel has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)
Sadujägare has joined The Prospects (~6 years ago)