Level 25 Alliance Guild, Vek'nilash. 55 members
Ðevill has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Kraka has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Randóm has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Suspenzor has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Asgardus has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Gatta has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Perlé has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Yiimo has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Nerwén has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Crazycrackpo has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Mangomingo has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Wortag has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Maverik has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Thomasthebos has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~8 years ago)
Fluffÿ has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 1 (~8 years ago)
Fearfactory has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Hypperion has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Pandee has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)
Fierythorin has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Ðevill has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 2 (~8 years ago)
Genderbender has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 2 (~8 years ago)
Bchrogue has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Funkypumpkin has joined Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Dóntlookback has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)
Harcecic has left Calamitous Intent (~8 years ago)