Last updated 9 years ago.

Eye of the Panther

achievements 2040

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Wildhammer. 527 members

Nasicus obtained Staff of the Mad Bramble King. 9 years ago
Raqs obtained Bracers of Spare Skin. 9 years ago
Gianttgreen obtained Sandals of Mycoid Musing. 9 years ago
Devílz obtained Enameled Grips of Solemnity. 9 years ago
Devílz obtained Jade Charioteer Figurine. 9 years ago
Tomodo obtained Chipped Soul Prism. 9 years ago
Devílz obtained Empowered Apexis Fragment. 9 years ago
Ðragonfly obtained Industrial Lifting Belt. 9 years ago
Flereous obtained Robes of Necrotic Whispers. 9 years ago

Guild Master