Level 25 Horde Guild, Aerie Peak. 56 members
Arkhunter has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Flankthetank has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Bravie has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Dargus has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Mongaux has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Lackasack has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Kaliesta has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Worgarash has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Helmoova has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Thundaria has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Soarsha has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Gorebull has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Vaunaz has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Blanky has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Jasonborne has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Azuul has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Tellastraza has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Dorrieb has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Vicar has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Centaga has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Bakilros has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Badtacos has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Frostjade has joined ShortBusRiders (~6 years ago)
Maryjean has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)
Azzio has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)