Last updated 6 years ago.

Warriors of Virtue

achievements 2535

Level 25 Horde Guild, Alexstrasza. 536 members

Grulock has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Aleidel has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Lydía has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Totomichealz has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Stankhoof has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Adumbmage has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Tohkra has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)

Zatfury has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Donsmage has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Anares has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Dragonsnymph has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Nightshyde has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Shåmå has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Lollia has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Holycowbatmn has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Charlemagne has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

ßadßehavior has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Superkami has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Luuline has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Karpaethea has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Ghucknorris has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Zatjin has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)

Zatdivh has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Gobbarella has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)

Bluerobin has joined Warriors of Virtue (~6 years ago)