Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 2855

Level 25 Horde Guild, Area 52. 939 members

Mastaroshi earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Gorefìst earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Etherling earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Mystrice earned the achievement Professional Zandalari Master for 10 points. 5 years ago
Zuluroar earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Artanthos obtained Honorbound Artificer's Guise. 5 years ago
Ravencroft earned the achievement Professional Zandalari Master for 10 points. 5 years ago
Artanthos obtained Shadra Silk Robes. 5 years ago
Corvien obtained Bloodfeaster Belt. 5 years ago

Guild Master