Last updated 7 years ago.

The Salty Bears

achievements 1225

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Arthas. 367 members

Ttbone has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

Codeinious has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

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Elydian has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

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Kindalucky has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

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Lunani has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

Velexa has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

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Vocca has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

Kÿrra has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

Winglèss has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)

Dumb has left The Salty Bears (~7 years ago)