Last updated 7 years ago.

Rock Lobster

achievements 2435

Level 25 Horde Guild, Azralon. 432 members

Lieli has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Markree has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Beheemot has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Legodk has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Juulîa has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Arkl has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Ekshot has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Nerphyy has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Fealbire has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Illissandre has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Panoïx has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Vínhal has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Juülia has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Zuric has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Tommensmith has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Marvinz has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Mingula has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Juúlia has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Salamaleklee has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Vïnhäl has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Illíanna has joined Rock Lobster (~5 years ago)

Blackadam has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Solemum has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Warzenegger has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Marael has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)