Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 2225

Level 25 Horde Guild, Barthilas. 570 members

DarthaxXYZ has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)

Lifeitself has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)

Havka has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

ErĂ­n has joined Vortex (~5 years ago)

Gympy has joined Vortex (~5 years ago)

Pyroshammz has left Vortex (~5 years ago)

Sawiftys has left Vortex (~5 years ago)

Zaperz has left Vortex (~5 years ago)

Sylesstra has left Vortex (~5 years ago)

Glides has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Scythara has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Sylsindra has joined Vortex (~5 years ago)

Valzs has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Glideator has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Valsz has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Lostlotus has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Lotusblu has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Vals has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Xenov has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Xenova has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Spiritbox has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Ulvinde has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Sepulture has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Mareridt has left Vortex (~6 years ago)

Gallhammer has left Vortex (~6 years ago)