Last updated 4 years ago.

Wrath of Shadows

achievements 770

Level 25 Horde Guild, Blackhand. 425 members

Shomiska obtained Honorbound Outrider's Boots. 4 years ago
Tastychoice obtained Calibrated Hefty Cog. 4 years ago
Ellesta obtained Petrified Ironbark Crown. 4 years ago
Smokeysouls obtained Benthic Treads. 4 years ago
Xstargry obtained Honorbound Barrier. 4 years ago
Yunera earned the achievement Level 60 for 10 points. 4 years ago
Chazmanson earned the achievement Level 110 for 10 points. 4 years ago
Inukchik earned the achievement Level 80 for 10 points. 4 years ago

Guild Master