Last updated 8 years ago.

Gloriously Exiled

achievements 920

Level 25 Horde Guild, Blackrock. 310 members

Spánkêd obtained Ranseur of Hatred. 9 years ago
Spánkêd obtained Chelley's Sterilized Scalpel. 9 years ago
Spánkêd obtained Spaulders of Manifold Eyes. 9 years ago
Spánkêd obtained Carapace of Imbibed Flame. 9 years ago
Pakids obtained Vessel of Acceleration. 9 years ago
Pakids obtained Matrix Restabilizer. 9 years ago
Pakids obtained Crown of the Fiery Protector. 9 years ago
Pakids obtained Fingers of Incineration. 9 years ago
Pakids obtained Grips of Unerring Precision. 9 years ago

Guild Master
