Last updated 6 years ago.

Soldiers of Fortune

achievements 720

Level 25 Horde Guild, Bleeding Hollow. 249 members

Uest obtained Collar of Blindsight. 6 years ago
Amorathis obtained Ring of Frozen Magic. 6 years ago
Amorathis obtained Swordsinger's Grips. 6 years ago
Amorathis obtained Perilous Bargain. 6 years ago
Phaseblade obtained Arinor Keeper's Trousers. 6 years ago
Phaseblade obtained Conservatory Ward's Drape. 6 years ago
Phaseblade obtained Soultrapper's Pendant. 6 years ago
Phaseblade purchased item Relinquished Necklace. 6 years ago
Amorathis obtained Fel-Treated Bracers. 6 years ago
Skeletool obtained Quarantine Catalyst. 6 years ago

Guild Master