Level 25 Alliance Guild, Bleeding Hollow. 679 members
Timbol has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Veserath has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Imgoingssj has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Tinuviél has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Captríx has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Brokenage has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Holylocked has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Dawnréaper has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Myphal has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Ampdk has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Deforest has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Larhalt has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Mattdëmon has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Kahji has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Tegerus has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Manrate has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Tevoycurar has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Skillthrill has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Erodion has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Thorivald has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Berenee has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Tesslickles has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Coldèst has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Mâlade has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)
Xexarez has left The Enclave (~8 years ago)