Last updated 9 years ago.

Dark Order

achievements 2415

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Bloodscalp. 470 members

The Buddy System

Win 500 ranked arena matches while in a guild group.


1 decade ago

Baradin Hold Guild Run

Defeat the bosses in Baradin Hold while in a guild group.


1 decade ago

Call of Duty

Win a rated battleground while in a guild group.


1 decade ago

You Have Been Challenged

Complete a guild challenge.


1 decade ago

Tauren Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Tauren of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Horde Slayer

Complete the slayer achievements listed below.


1 decade ago

Orc Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Orc of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Undead Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Undead of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Goblin Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Goblin of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Blood Elf Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Blood Elf of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Troll Slayer

Get an honorable kill on a level 85 or greater Troll of each of the classes listed below.


1 decade ago

Classic Battles

Earn Exalted reputation with the classic battlegrounds listed below.


1 decade ago

Call of Battle

Win a ranked arena match while in a guild group.


1 decade ago

Everyone Needs a Logo

Create and purchase a guild crest.


1 decade ago