Level 25 Alliance Guild, Caelestrasz. 192 members
Isandriel has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Pyseas has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Fattymcfatt has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Djinn has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Mitchz has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Artificer has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Eaoden has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Iwinpntsdwn has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Teradon has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Zetraal has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Bananahammoc has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Cherryrocket has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Kudosnaps has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Feladin has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Deselect has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Aegius has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Helleana has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Audrex has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Jockster has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Coldbringer has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Beastboii has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Devius has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Stormrida has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Reapedsouls has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)
Asperal has joined Overworked and Underpaid (~8 years ago)