Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dalaran. 958 members
Dellencel has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Burzerk has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Renâri has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Virtuosity has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Peromadox has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Elvïs has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Leylanna has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Ryón has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Mazdrien has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Dirtypimp has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Mordotz has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Amalselia has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Yucahu has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Linallicite has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Vanistris has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Ninashoona has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Alideynianda has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Shaderbreak has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Treeherb has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Cupcakkee has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Melynnil has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Stonedrabbid has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Fotistiko has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Juicygames has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)
Shaundriel has left Order of the Righteous (~6 years ago)