Last updated 4 years ago.

The Sanctuary

achievements 2015

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dalaran. 941 members

Chelioz has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Woodyqt has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Raginis has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Exarkane has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Voidstrikes has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Bmaga has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Legoshunter has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Wontgivein has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Cirenen has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Phannis has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Crylater has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Willowraven has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Lâzarus has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Lauritorni has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Boomurrogue has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Showhost has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Lasuo has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Xuenlong has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Kessiann has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Zevelynn has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Avindoor has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Myagony has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Vez has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Zaaske has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)

Dyfi has left The Sanctuary (~4 years ago)