Level 25 Horde Guild, Dalaran. 369 members
Taneblast has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Deathnoc has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Butaneblastr has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Qaone has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Obae has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Shewon has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Azzrogg has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Boxfortress has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Butaneknight has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Gäuners has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Willmorn has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Daaone has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Lockangel has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Tonitaila has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Ouhhunter has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Catullus has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Deathmizt has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Elddris has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Lumisen has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Helzbella has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Eilicia has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Gränëmöthêr has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Hermok has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Alectrasong has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)
Devildust has joined The Sixth Seal (~6 years ago)