Level 25 Alliance Guild, Darkspear. 159 members
Thuralyon has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Hellixx has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Gial has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Thèory has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Caradorr has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Ieader has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Coffieblack has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Yeux has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Razorstrike has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Meslord has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Gorflax has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Legun has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Bloodfùry has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Yobstar has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Kurasii has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Inchu has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Terrorshock has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
North has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Grokiya has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Followedby has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Melkore has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Testideath has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Kshamx has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Guq has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)
Euq has joined Lament of the Highborne (~9 years ago)