Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dentarg. 950 members
Serenado has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Anfgt has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Mìdgèt has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Garokkx has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Chrisolee has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Azhland has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Dored has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Ubhavenger has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Painful has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Tommertik has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Lipss has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Pérséphone has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Issabellany has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Carettana has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Deepwoundz has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Sweettanky has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Mognir has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Belough has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Darkcrystall has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Såssafras has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Mireth has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Xahlia has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Valiance has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Elektrisk has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)
Khloerz has joined Weapon of Righteousness (~9 years ago)