Level 25 Alliance Guild, Draka. 398 members
Kynreia has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Frostsux has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Panasea has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Islingr has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Babyclaws has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 2 (~9 years ago)
Keylla has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Dryka has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Gigatek has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Chananne has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Huxxley has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Rompeculo has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Priestat has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Belaiive has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Shortstâff has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Neroshi has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Necrokillah has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Horjt has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Theelfofgood has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Gratia has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 1 (~9 years ago)
Zerxses has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Sammyboy has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Modern has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Blackguydude has joined The UNTOUCHABLES (~9 years ago)
Auddox has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Ciriello has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)