Level 25 Alliance Guild, Draka. 169 members
Bhis has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Shalà has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Rainnee has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Felss has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Uninvited has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Nadelor has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Meów has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Virtues has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Madya has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Varilaa has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Teezule has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Azania has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Aggs has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Oakshield has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Grizmare has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~9 years ago)
Thunderbush has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Imtazzmiaboo has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Viperscale has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Cultry has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Bryceofwar has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Lailyanna has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Contractor has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)
Holynips has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Volmar has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 6 (~9 years ago)
Zembeyy has joined Vivid Dreams (~9 years ago)