Level 25 Horde Guild, Drak'thul. 301 members
Gilgamar has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Raharg has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Vyneriel has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Juliebb has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Tydisticus has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Artemïsvüdü has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Parille has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Bosle has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Gholdan has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Tanksforu has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Kealice has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Tindinara has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Guttersnipe has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Gashndash has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Bp has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Lupous has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Idfrog has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Shaylindria has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Raezed has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Physcodeath has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Blackraige has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Kieu has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Zyrea has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Vinjari has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)
Katris has joined The Personal Guard (~7 years ago)