Last updated 9 years ago.


achievements 1355

Level 25 Horde Guild, Dreadmaul. 18 members

Closethero obtained Bileslinger's Censer. 9 years ago
Beefhuggar obtained Throat-Ripper Gauntlets. 9 years ago
Closethero obtained Vilebreath Mask. 9 years ago
Recklesness obtained Grunt's Solid Signet. 9 years ago
Kwyll obtained Milenah's Intricate Cloak. 9 years ago
Hozbirtzul obtained Fragment of Val'anyr. 9 years ago
Athir obtained Scales of Doom. 9 years ago
Athir obtained Grandiose Armament. 9 years ago
Kwyll obtained Grandiose Treads. 9 years ago

Guild Master