Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dunemaul. 998 members
Juicerella has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Doraline has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Bírd has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Stalas has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Bate has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Sigÿn has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Mandeveral has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Imyourdad has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Pahncakes has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Kalderasha has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Meneros has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Idúnn has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Blitzwow has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Bmoney has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Jathera has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Noks has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Seskiz has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Holyberry has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Ekar has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Aimshot has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Mixcotl has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Doomhilda has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)
Chamuquito has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Corentine has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)
Alilock has joined Society of Benevolence (~5 years ago)