Last updated 9 years ago.

Dark Angels

achievements 255

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Durotan. 306 members

Kushmeister obtained Time Twisted Tunic. 9 years ago
Kushmeister obtained Temporal Pauldrons. 9 years ago
Kushmeister obtained Archivist's Gloves. 9 years ago
Kushmeister obtained Girdle of Lost Heroes. 9 years ago
Kushmeister obtained Crescent Moon. 9 years ago
Melis earned the achievement Level 85 for 10 points. 9 years ago
Sourkraut obtained Maa'ruun's Treacherous Eye. 9 years ago
Bruney obtained Karabor Honor Guard Shoulders. 9 years ago
Dairz obtained Elder Tortoiseshell Sabatons. 9 years ago
Capper obtained Precious Bloodthorn Loop. 9 years ago

Guild Master