Last updated 4 years ago.


achievements 2955

Level 25 Horde Guild, Emerald Dream. 551 members

Thalanthalas has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Xils has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Garrakun has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Kurazan has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Màgie has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Ohwk has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Silvidrus has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Venvia has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Tazzo has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Brainsoup has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

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Zioneste has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 3 (~4 years ago)

Seedsñstems has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 2 (~4 years ago)

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Xyllam has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Lukumagh has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Salërye has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Kaikjin has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Dushakh has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Esse has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Saleryon has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)

Durkom has joined Nightstalkers (~4 years ago)