Level 25 Horde Guild, Emerald Dream. 60 members
Speklin has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Spiritdaddy has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Doofiee has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Monkles has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Vosegus has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Sellineda has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Kilrosh has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Swampmusk has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Wigglyjim has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Ruslän has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Vàlkret has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Vâlkret has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Oblitzkrieg has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Isavedyou has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Jchrìst has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Igotgudteeth has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Sundriana has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Soapzoo has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Relaxandheal has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Azper has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Baevon has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Azechxian has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Trollfudd has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Bissonnette has left The Implication (~6 years ago)
Diamondskill has left The Implication (~6 years ago)