Last updated 7 years ago.

The Syndicate

achievements 2115

Level 25 Horde Guild, Emerald Dream. 964 members

Upful has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Baris has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Forestmagic has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Anuhj has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Insane has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Vyu has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Karatekyle has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Orithm has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Inslain has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Infectoria has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Svnkiss has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Gertah has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Krunkjuice has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Danghunter has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Rexxoth has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Anujx has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Snowflake has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Shrer has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Plaguetusk has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Lorindae has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Xianwen has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Gylneas has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Kermiguez has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Ganondórph has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)

Shenhoof has left The Syndicate (~6 years ago)