Level 25 Alliance Guild, Feathermoon. 905 members
Berater has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Icaras has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Rainypetal has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Gillian has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Rybash has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Kalivan has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Avelmane has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Meraks has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Keh has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Maiana has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Clavon has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Pinnee has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Jessepinkman has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Kaltaria has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Ozryk has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Darlan has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Cyress has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Fangwei has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Pilfer has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Deelana has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Usenet has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Tripe has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Moneum has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Blasiera has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)
Tartar has joined Circle of the Phoenix (~7 years ago)