Level 25 Horde Guild, Fenris. 700 members
Pepperbeef has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Orahin has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Jaerann has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Ondela has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Nanith has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Doirhime has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Skasha has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Eisenlaw has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Zarisonis has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Skysteal has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Robingoblin has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Iceblaze has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Kelossa has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Aldreyzz has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Brunashi has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Ladiknight has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Valkyriey has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Eika has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Aelennicon has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Krystyl has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Edoubleyou has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Piccolo has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Orangekrush has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Snailtan has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)
Shamnwowzer has joined Elite of the Horde (~8 years ago)