Level 25 Alliance Guild, Frostmourne. 685 members
Rupzi has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Thoghum has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Blacck has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Impostrawr has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Mahoogeei has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Khamin has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Çalis has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Enragedalex has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Fingerlights has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Toobies has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Goodbyë has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Toxxer has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Fulty has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Truncated has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Elronnlock has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Phatdoobs has joined Scared of the Dark (~5 years ago)
Sadistic has joined Scared of the Dark (~5 years ago)
Dingstinger has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Ðenial has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Dumbldwarf has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Bucknall has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Carryorfeed has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Bandaids has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Cleftyy has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)
Mikefreedy has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~5 years ago)