Last updated 8 years ago.

Who Is Your Daddy

achievements 720

Level 25 Horde Guild, Frostmourne. 992 members

Velarei obtained Tome of Blink. 8 years ago
Shadowloc obtained Steamburst Leggings. 8 years ago
The guild earned the achievement Classy Trolls for 10 points. (triggered by Shadowloc) 8 years ago
Lipsi obtained Forgotten Vindicator's Blade. 8 years ago
Xfader earned the achievement Level 85 for 10 points. 8 years ago
Geonoria obtained Shard of Crystalline Fury. 8 years ago
Kulon purchased item Warmongering Gladiator's Drape of Prowess. 8 years ago

Guild Master