Level 25 Horde Guild, Gallywix. 113 members
Detonadão has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Bunitucho has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Vödkä has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Mortth has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Xxshadowwxx has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Abalado has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Aliber has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Akalisto has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Furacranio has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Firejay has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Innorukk has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Gransom has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Shalow has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Shabbat has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Deianira has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Arcanoss has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Erzsa has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Tauuros has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Biksblow has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Harvyndo has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Harvindo has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Glockheim has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)
Ololiuhqui has joined End of the World (~9 years ago)