Last updated 5 years ago.

Pub do Fim do Mundo

achievements 1340

Level 25 Horde Guild, Gallywix. 112 members

Mouviroth has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Palapi has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)

Vardha has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Àtonos has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Lihle has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 1 (~5 years ago)

Holyheart has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Thiaquis has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 1 (~5 years ago)

Vêlhote has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Másorte has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)

Hadraska has been promoted from rank 4 to rank 2 (~5 years ago)

Deadsteel has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Atonøs has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Athaelon has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Valanuur has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Xxena has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Güampa has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Urdrax has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Ðasha has been promoted from rank 2 to rank 1 (~5 years ago)

Andur has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~5 years ago)

Steelwill has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Esttellar has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Rhavhinor has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Stronger has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Vhalieth has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)

Tallerhat has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~5 years ago)