Level 25 Alliance Guild, Garona. 784 members
Ujelly has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Heartglow has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Zhaojun has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Minibubble has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Alizzle has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Nevena has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Chillstep has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Çrimlen has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Tovoh has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Speakaesy has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Debriatus has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Flitwìck has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Çhunk has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Leonphelps has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Kickflip has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Glorne has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Soemechan has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Perby has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Murkalot has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Spacejam has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Nikachuu has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Metalslugx has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Tsitcartbus has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Kaeps has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Classbalance has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)