Level 25 Alliance Guild, Garona. 784 members
Gawáin has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Furius has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Spazzy has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Whirle has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Beard has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Lockenbolt has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Reuben has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Gramps has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Tanerix has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Krytical has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Exousian has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Blacköut has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Holyhammah has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Clawesome has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Viscerix has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Jaura has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Korberus has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Squeeks has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Neoblade has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Aldoranda has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Twinks has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Apricott has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Mythwar has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Ingodwetrust has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)
Ndayne has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)