Last updated 6 years ago.

The Empire

achievements 2745

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Garona. 784 members

Phildapain has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Elddavar has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Susspect has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Bustabooze has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Horace has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Jaleelwhite has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Atone has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Nulland has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Jayzus has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Crookskanks has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Kosuda has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Limitist has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Dremia has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Nastymcderpy has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Winky has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Zheng has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Fido has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Seirios has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Bitterstorm has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Devanti has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Dietra has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Clergy has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Tarasenko has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Voidtex has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)

Jamjam has joined The Empire (~6 years ago)