Level 25 Horde Guild, Goldrinn. 22 members
Rognarock has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Thusty has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Rarenhall has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Møcøca has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Motochika has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Suzumi has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Presage has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Pinkpike has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Feraluz has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Xbaudus has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Oograkh has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Mourad has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Czat has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shuniman has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Illumine has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Tyreninha has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shyuzinha has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Artycuz has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Scárlett has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Minikalzonee has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Marrcella has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Arcanyz has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Kunghao has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Balmo has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Gajaeel has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)