Last updated 5 years ago.

No Bueno

achievements 705

Level 25 Horde Guild, Illidan. 131 members

Hacklex obtained Vision of Demise. 5 years ago
Spectle obtained Shroud of Unmooring Whispers. 5 years ago
Swiftr obtained Ice Stalker Boots. 5 years ago
Vaelmonk obtained Ardent Worshipper's Boots. 5 years ago
Cuppss obtained Stormtamer's Orb. 5 years ago
Mageben obtained Amice of the Reef Witch. 5 years ago
Bestshift obtained Edicts of the Faithless. 5 years ago
Esef obtained Ring of the Highborne Courtier. 5 years ago
Swiftr obtained Spymaster's Wrap. 5 years ago
Swiftr purchased item Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece. 5 years ago

Guild Master