Level 25 Alliance Guild, Kel'Thuzad. 51 members
Celsica has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Kathulis has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Unease has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Kritikkul has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Deathbotx has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Rageingg has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Xanisedael has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Agweyn has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Kynky has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Raíku has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Oreo has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Vàñítýgød has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Greesii has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Brokentoy has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Joogzxo has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Jåb has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Hashcat has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Uptøwnfunk has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Freezeland has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Shàmikaze has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Ramho has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Themilkman has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Debater has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Foürtwenty has left cross the line (~6 years ago)
Setlez has left cross the line (~6 years ago)