Level 25 Horde Guild, Laughing Skull. 962 members
Slimj has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Iliús has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Igmarule has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Listerfein has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Somtu has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Ïké has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Bonnafide has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Truckulés has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Badbloods has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Larakus has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Idin has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Krymex has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Lolamontez has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Skoll has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Dowren has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Dunce has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Bodycountt has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Wárgasm has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Mysticc has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Missthique has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Copperccino has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Fistofkrosa has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Kyrse has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Bekdor has left The High Society (~5 years ago)
Frostcorpse has left The High Society (~5 years ago)