Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 2545

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Lothar. 500 members

Genaari obtained 7th Legionnaire's Visage. 5 years ago
Jasmines obtained 7th Legionnaire's Silk Cloak. 5 years ago
Bobmashlock obtained Squallshaper Vestments. 5 years ago
Rolltowin obtained Band of Certain Annihilation. 5 years ago
Cdnmute obtained Robes of the Unraveler. 5 years ago
Castup obtained Twitching Tentacle of Xalzaix. 5 years ago
Hulkygreen obtained Hood of Pestilent Ichor. 5 years ago
Castup obtained Tusk of the Reborn Prophet. 5 years ago
Wulvirine obtained Cincture of Profane Deeds. 5 years ago
Vyrous obtained Visage of the Ascended Prophet. 5 years ago

Guild Master