Last updated 6 years ago.

Nights Watch

achievements 1140

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Madoran. 980 members

Edgeofchaos obtained Horn of Valor. 6 years ago
Ruffeion earned the achievement Time Flies When You're Having Fun for 10 points. 6 years ago
Thesslia obtained Tranquil Bough Hood. 6 years ago
Thesslia obtained Fel-Treated Hood. 6 years ago
Thesslia obtained Netherfiend Armbands. 6 years ago
Edgeofchaos crafted item Demonsteel Armguards. 6 years ago
Edgeofchaos crafted item Demonsteel Armguards. 6 years ago
Edgeofchaos crafted item Demonsteel Armguards. 6 years ago
Edgeofchaos crafted item Demonsteel Armguards. 6 years ago
Edgeofchaos crafted item Demonsteel Armguards. 6 years ago

Guild Master