Last updated 6 years ago.

Nights Watch

achievements 1140

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Madoran. 980 members

Yllyria obtained Arinor Keeper's Armbands. 6 years ago
Adolin obtained Strand of the Stars. 6 years ago
Jynnie obtained Oronaar Disciple's Chestguard. 6 years ago
Jynnie obtained Oronaar Disciple's Spaulders. 6 years ago
Corsanthium obtained Moon Guard Drape. 6 years ago
Corsanthium obtained Stormforged Inferno. 6 years ago
Corsanthium obtained Vault-Minder's Slippers. 6 years ago
Corsanthium obtained Val'kyr Ascension Signet. 6 years ago
Corsanthium obtained Bonespeaker Cowl. 6 years ago
Kelpy obtained Lunarblight Belt. 6 years ago

Guild Master